AI integrated with Digital Marketing is the Future


Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrated with Digital Marketing is the Future

We are in the year 2021 and do you think Artificial Intelligence (AI) is new entrant in Digital Marketing? As we speak, it’s already there and it’s not new.

In recent times, digital marketing agencies and other media companies around the world have started employing Artificial Intelligence tools integrated into their services. The biggest challenge any marketer faces is personalization of content as per user’s interests, build greater experience and generate better results. Taking advantage of this growing trend, many startups evolved in AI domain to solve this problem. We are aware that Google and Facebook collects huge information about users through their advertising models. Still most of the companies around the world face huge task of integrating AI with Digital Marketing to offer more improved services to their customers.

How Artificial Intelligence works with Digital Marketing?

Artificial Intelligence assists Digital Marketing to leverage the user’s data in customizing the content as per user’s interests at the time relevant to their purchase intent. AI allows to run a learning machine that creates artificial models that helps us to anticipate the customer’s next move and his other interests. Some companies are already begun to offer such services to their clients across the world wherein they are sending content notifications and messages as per their profile and modes of communication like mobile, browser and more. Hence users are enjoying the relevant content as per their interests.

How to benefit from AI with Digital Marketing?

AI is widely accepted by marketing managers for the insights it results in. As per recent PwC report, nearly 72% of marketing managers saw a substantial development in their business as a result of introducing AI into their digital marketing activities. With AI, marketing managers can take data analysis to a new level to understand their users and customers.

The significant benefits from AI are:

  1. Customization of messages sent to users
  2. Marketing processes get automated saving time and money
  3. Minimal errors in marketing process
  4. Increased user experience
  5. Greatly improve marketing results

Another main channel where Artificial Intelligence can improve the situation is Email Marketing as many businesses employ this channel hugely to channelize the content as per user’s interest, show real-time content to their users and drive loyalty in return.

Another feature that enables AI technology is to customize the messages to the users or customers as per their emotional quotient. It also analyzes the customer’s intent and allows sales executives and even chat bots to communicate with their customers in a language that suits them.

Digital Marketing solutions integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are the future of the marketing world and will empower personal contact with each customer.

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